How to Build Your Dream from a Vision

I believe we all have a "vision" or a "dream" for our lives. Most people will sacrifice their dreams because life will get in the way or they let the world convince them it will be too hard. Having a plan, conviction and discipline to go after what you desire requires a new version of yourself!
You have to level up and grow ... constantly. Your life, vision, business or purpose will consistently evolve. You must follow suit.
You may have looked at celebrities, athletes, successful entrepreneurs and influential business people over your life and thought "how did they make it" or "what did they do differently" or "what fuels them to succeed"? I have had many talks with very successful men and women over the last 10 years and found a few commonalities / traits that have earned them a spot in the Top 1%.
I have (recently) started recording episodes of a #podcast / video show with 2 very successful male friends of mine in business; Robert Bennett & Alcides Segui. We are in the process of launching the show in the next few months once we complete the first 12 episodes in our #TampaPodcastStudio we designed / (available to rent).
Here are the top 10 items we feel are most important in the climb to success:
1. Having a detailed #vision.
2. Creating the strategic #plan with actionable steps (written out).
3. Having #discipline to execute the plan - everyday.
4. #Consistency and #routine to continue to build.
5. #Focus on the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly steps to reach the goals you set.
6. #Grit and #workethic to fight through distractions, setbacks and emotions.
7. Mastering your emotions ... not allowing short term tension to take you off your game.
8. #Passion to remind you why you started ... you have to want it bad enough!
9. #Faith to keep going even when you're in the valley of doubt.
10. #Mentors who have already achieved it and can guide you through.
--> What do you think? <--
I would love to know your thoughts! Please weigh in, share with your network and comment below. I enjoy learning from my colleagues all around the globe.
Credit To -> Videography for studio: Feddy Azofeifa-Gallegos || Content Writing: Patty Broadbent