Having Wealth Beyond Just Money

I was in my kitchen the other morning making my sons breakfast before school. I got a text from one of my favorite humans... he's kind of a big deal in the #sports world... think #Nike + #MichaelJordan. We got on a quick call to pray, chat about some new opportunities and wish each other a blessed day.
I have been blessed with countless moments where I was at the right table, best spot on the plane, coolest sporting event, on the sidelines, behind the stage, on the call, in the room with the most epic people! These moments have lead to amazing connections, friendships, business deals and lasting bonds with people from all over the world! I am talking about the types of people you can't really get access to unless you're connected to "the guy" who knows them or God opens the door. One or the other.
Athletes, celebrities, global business men and women, influencers, musicians... you name it. I kept it all to myself the last 10 years and didn't want to share my stories to the world.
I guess I never wanted to name drop or come across braggadocios. I felt honored and humbled by their presence. Here I was looking up to them and in the reverse they admired me! I became the person they sought for business consulting, guidance, friendship, a listening ear and a confidant. Who knew?
The running joke is that I am a lot of people's #EmotionalSupportHuman - in business and life. To be honest, I feel honored that people trust me with their thoughts and seek advice or clarity in any situation. I cherish the moments that I can help give them direction, peace, guidance and help solve a problem.
As I have gotten older, I have realized what my talents and gifts are. One of my biggest gifts is the gift of people. I know people. I read people. I listen to the things they say and don't say. I can read energy and tone in text or email. I am very intuitive and have a way of helping them with the root of the problem versus the reason they think they are upset. Understanding people makes me a gifted #marketer. Studying #psychology, mastering #emotionalIntelligence and embracing my intuitive nature has helped me become the business woman I am today.
Creating #partnerships, #connections and #opportunities for my clients and sphere has been the keys to my success. Matching people to #brands, brands to properties, creating #content for the brands and properties, connecting people to people and bringing #value are skills that you either have or don't have. It is an essence and a gift. It must be fostered and cultivated in order for it to expand.
In this next season of business, I will be taking my business, partnerships and people to the next level! The time is right and the moment is now. I am just getting started!
xoxo- Motherflacher