I have a story to tell ...
It is truly possible to live your BEST and WORST life simultaneously. Honestly, it was the most humbling growth of my life.
I am a mother of 4 super heroes. Literally.
All different, yet all the same.
Hustling online marketing strategies and making brands a plethora of cash have been my bread and butter for 12 years. Inappropriate humor, sarcasm, out of the box creative and a global rolodex are my 4 best qualities. Well...maybe my hair too.
On a serious(ish) note, people always ask me how, what and why do I do what I do. The answer is pretty simple.
I am an expert marketer specializing in digital content and advertising that drives sales and revenue for mid-size to global brands. I got into this field because I wanted to work from home. Commuting to work like the masses sounded terrible and my lack of patience could not handle bumper to bumper traffic. So I created a company and hustled until they knew my name! I do what I do, everyday, with passion and joy! I love what I do and the people I get to work with as well.
MOST IMPORTANTLY is --> My "WHY" are my 4 children. I am unfiltered, raw, honest and authentic. Raising strong, hard working, emotionally intelligent, great communicating super heroes is my purpose. One day they will get married and I vowed to make sure their spouses say "thank you" for raising such an awesome human.
Want to know why.... because there will be no take backs, refunds or exchanges.
Again, sarcasm. I will miss them when they are off scholarship.
As you can see, I don't take myself very seriously. I laugh all the time, mostly at my own jokes. I am many peoples' Emotional Support Human (ESH) and it is my most important role. I am blessed beyond words and I never take a day for granted!
Come along on my many exciting journeys. You never know where I may end up!
Follow me for more zany, money making, epic adventures!
xoxo - Motherflacher
I make money working in my pajamas...
Want to have the best quality of life, working from home, going to all the kids' events and still make homemade dinners?

Make Money with Motherflacher!
I have created a digital marketing course that will teach you everything you need to build an online brand. It walks you step-by-step through building out an automated business that makes you money while you sleep. You will own the course and can re-sell it to your clients and network.
If you are looking for a way to make money working from home, this is your chance!